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3D printing has found its way into the industry

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Machinery manufacturers explore the possibilities of this alternative manufacturing method

The 3D printing method establishes itself in the industry. The spectrum of applications ranges from prototyping to the production of small series. The variety of materials increases as well and already includes precious metals, ceramics and plastic materials. For the German mechanical engineering industry, this technology provides numerous new chances for applications. The VDMA wishes to make these possibilities visible to all and therefore establishes a platform for the cross-sector exchange of information and experience. The first expert meeting took place in Frankfurt on Tuesday. “3D printing has entered a new phase. Now, it is more and more about the industrial benefits of this technology. They include quality criteria like precision in production and reproducibility,” said Rainer Gebhardt, VDMA expert for 3D printing of the Printing and Paper Technology Association of VDMA on the occasion of this first expert meeting.  

The general public sees 3D printing above all as a possibility to produce everything at home, from a simple button to a pistol. Therefore, it has become the topic of wide and intense discussions. The mechanical engineering sector, however, does not attach much importance to "DIY applications", but rather to the industrial perspectives of this technology. “The 3D method will, for example, enable to apply completely new methods of stock-keeping. Instead of always having a broad range of spare parts in stock, only just the computer data for the design need to be available in future. Using “Print-on-Demand“, the part will only be printed when it is required, i.e. the time and the number of pieces can be controlled with utmost precision,” said Rainer Gebhardt. As a result, this method reduces the cost of stock-keeping and logistics. Cost can also be reduced by 3D prototype printing, the reason being that the time-consuming and expensive production of a tool which is needed just once, i.e. for the production of a prototype, is no longer required.

The participants of the expert meeting represented the total band width of industries for which 3D printing can be important in mechanical engineering. They were representatives of machine tool manufacturers, but also automation specialists. Many participants came from the automotive supply industry. “By setting up this group of experts, we aim to establish a direct dialogue between users and manufacturers,” said Rainer Gebhardt.

The 3D printing method:

Basically, 3D printing works just the other way round compared to conventional production methods. While with the latter something is taken off the blank – for example by milling and grinding – in order to make a product, nothing is removed but something is added in 3D printing. It starts with a CAD model of the product to be made. The software of the computer divides it into hundredth of razor-thin layers. In the printing process, these successive layers are laid down, for example, by means of micro jets, until the whole product has been created in full.


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